Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's PURNEY! <--Yes, my name is legally this again.

I'm baaaaaack!!! I know it has been about a year since I've posted anything for the entire internet to troll through, but I was hesitant to post much after students found my blog. Yeah, seniors are pretty sneaky. I've got to figure out how to keep my blog public, yet not public enough for students to find it. Any suggestions are welcome! Also, like the title informs you all, I am back to Purney. Every single one of my friends told me they never even changed it from their phone, and that makes me smile, because I will always be Purney. Or purndog. Or JP. Or Smelly. Or Pruneybutt. The list goes on and on.

I've noticed that many people blog nowadays. What's irritating to me is that many of these blogs are so surface-level that it infuriates me. Where's the depth? The truth behind their life? What's the point of saying something when they have NOTHING to say? Call me a sadist, but I want to see the struggles of motherhood, the frustrations of working a 9-5, the difficulties in one's life. Not like crazy secrets or anything, but c'mon! Make it a little more juicy! Ha. I'm such a creep. 

Alrighty, I can only practice what I preach, right? So let me give you all a taste of what I've been up to this past year. I promise to be at least slightly juicy.

To be blunt, 2013 was real shitty. Like super shitty. The worst year of my life actually. I gained a ton of weight and was trying to figure out how to be a single mom. Then 2014 crept around, and a near and dear friend of the family flat out told me I had gained weight. I am SO HAPPY she did this. Everyone was kind of tip-toeing around the issue that I had 30+ pounds on my body. It was all around my stomach too, like a giant tire. Yuck. Anyways, this friend was like, "You're fat. I still love you, but I want you to be healthy."

I don't know why, but those words were all I needed. I immediately taught myself everything I could about a healthy lifestyle, and began working out 4-5 times a week. Within three months, I had dropped the excess weight and even won a competition at my work and an Advocare challenge. At this point, my confidence was boosted, and I was feeling pretty gosh-darn sexy. 

I signed up for Tinder (let the sneers and judgments begin--apparently this is mostly a hook-up dating app, but I thought, why not?) and started talking to gentleman callers. <--Hahaha this makes me feel like I'm a southern belle during the Civil War. Anywho, no one really caught my attention, until this cutie patootie messaged me--

Our first conversation :)

Christopher is thoughtful, sweet, musically-inclined, great with children, and most importantly, is patient and accepting of ME! He even helped chaperone Prom this year.

Gaaaaaaah, he makes me drool. Such a stud!
So, in a nutshell, my love life is going swimmingly. I recently visited his hometown in Ohio and absolutely LOVED it there, even though the mosquitos really took a liking to me!

Now, it's time to talk about the twins--I keep referring to them as babies, but they recently turned two and are turning into actual people. It absolutely blows my mind. Here are a few updates:

Favorite words: No, Mine, Peeeeez (please), Ooce (juice)
Atticus tests me every day and has done so since he was a newborn. He loves to steal toys from Everett, no matter what the toy be. He's suuuuper cuddly and constantly loves on me, hugs me, and forces me to kiss him. He likes to strip down naked and run around like a madman. He's also a little copycat and will repeat anything you say, so this limits my f-bombs and various other curse words. This little sassafrass is hard to discipline with his eyes and smile. He could totally get away with murder sometimes when he flashes that little grin!

Nekky Atticus refusing to let me clothe him
Favorite words: Mama, No, Aki (Atticus), Tank you, Baba (sippy cup)
Everett is such a quirky and independent little fellow. He's kind of drifted away from being clingy and enjoys his alone time. One time, Atticus walked up to him to try and play, and Everett pointed him away and said, "Go! Bye bye!" He's wicked smart and climbs on EVERYTHING. He's pretty fearless these days and is also mastering the fake-cry.

"I like to cry and then immediately stop once I realize no one is paying attention." 

They upgraded from high chairs to an actual table and chairs. ::insert Mama sobs::

I am trying to soak up all of the moments I can get while they're toddlers. Sometimes I get sucked into the "work" of it all, because trust me, it can be exhausting. Especially since I'm a stay-at-home Mom for the summer. What's next on our agenda for the boys? Well, we're working on transitioning into toddlers beds, which has been very difficult considering they engage with one another for HOURS in their bedroom. It's nearly impossible to get them to take a nap, but I'm hoping we get into the swing of things soon. Potty training is around the corner...but I'll definitely take my time until I know they're BOTH 100% ready. I honestly don't mind changing diapers for another year. (Oh, the perks of not being able to smell! Hehe)

I need suggestions for blog ideas! What do you want me to write about? Toddler mishaps? Cooking mistakes? Reviews on reality TV? C'mon people--tell me whatcha need. I'm feeling uninspired at the moment! Leave a comment or tell me on the facespace. ;)

LOVE YOU ALL! Byeeeeeeee


Courtney Colver said...

Eventide wasn't potty trained until 3 1/2...and it was immediate, she had maybe 2 accidents after. It was totally worth waiting!!!

I'm so glad you are blogging again!! I'm totally voting for the parenting stuff like toddler mishaps and cooking mistakes, bc that's pretty much my life right now!

Jessica said...

Ok! I'm sure I can easily come up with material about the boys and their adventures. Love and miss you! See you tomorrow actually... :)

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